Could Fleetpin cut down your fuel costs?

None of us are strangers to the recoil when you pull the nozzle out and see the total you need to shell out for gas these days, with fuel prices higher than we have ever seen before. While no business is immune to the effect of skyrocketing fuel prices, Fleetpin is here to provide you with some tips on how our system can help you reduce fuel costs.

Plan ahead

Planning a driver’s trip ahead of time can significantly reduce fuel use, and Fleetpin can help with this. Fleetpin offers map filters that show where traffic is congested, and what could be the cause. Additionally, switching on the ‘NZTA cameras’ filter can help identify the cause of congestion, if not just typical rush hour traffic. Using Fleetpin’s map filters allows you to determine which roads to avoid, thus reducing idle time and acceleration, resulting in less fuel waste.

Another useful way to plan ahead is by seeing where all your vehicles are in Fleetpin, and instead of deploying a new vehicle to a call-out, you can send a vehicle that is closer to the location. This means less vehicles out on the road, an already warm engine for better fuel economy, and drivers travelling more efficient distances.

Traffic layer

Monitor speeding and idle time

Driver behaviour plays a huge role in fuel consumption. Two major culprits are idling and speeding.

Fleetpin’s Utilisation report reveals assets’ idle time. If you notice that the idle time seems unnecessarily high or significantly increased, it may mean the driver needs to be advised or, less congested routes determined. If there is a high idle time in a low traffic area, it could mean that the driver is leaving the car engine running unnecessarily, whether that be filling out paperwork or waiting for a customer. A passenger vehicle left idling can cost you up to 1.9L of fuel per hour, according to Genless, which of course can add up throughout the day.

Fleetpin’s Harsh Driving Report can pinpoint clear issues around driver behaviour, including speeding and harsh acceleration. According to AA, driving at 100km/h rather than 110km/h can cut your fuel cost by 10%, and MTA reports that fuel consumption increases by 6% for every 10km/h a driver goes over 90km/h. Fleetpin records harsh driving incidents and generates a report and overall fleet-ranking score. While this can help with identifying reckless drivers, it can also incentivise drivers to improve their driving. The Harsh Driving add-on includes an in-vehicle audible or visual alert to inform the driver that they have reached a harsh driving threshold.

Harsh driving scrore

Compliance Reminders

According to AA, a well-maintained vehicle uses 20% less fuel when compared to a poorly maintained one. However, it can be difficult to keep track of compliance requirements across a large fleet, but this is something else that you can leave to Fleetpin. Fleetpin’s compliance report shows you which vehicles are either coming up for or due for which requirement, and gives you reminders. This has proven to be very useful from an administrative perspective, but also in saving costs on pesky fines when a WoF or Rego is caught overdue, or repairs if a vehicle is not regularly serviced.

Compliance report

Increasing fuel costs have been tough on businesses, but there are measures that can be taken to reduce costs and consumption. At Fleetpin, we strive to make our product a money-saver, not a cost. Making the most out of the Fleetpin system will do just that.

If you want to learn more, reach out to our Sales team