Improving Efficiencies Key Factor in Implementing a GPS Solution for Digger Collective

“When it comes to improving efficiencies, Fleetpin has been massive for us.” Simon Long, Co-owner, Diggers Collective.

  • Works on diggers and utes
  • Efficiency gains through invoicing and administration
  • Speeding tickets dropped
  • Reduce insurance costs
  • Outstanding customer support

When earthmoving experts Digger Collective were considering ways to improve their business efficiencies and streamline management processes, they lit on the idea of using GPS tracking devices on their vehicles and their diggers. “We were in need of a GPS solution for a number of reasons, but the main ones were efficiency, tracking and security,” recalls co-owner Simon Long. “Improving efficiencies was the really big one though.”

Digger Collective began using the Fleetpin GPS solution in January of this year. “They gave us two options to try – one for the utes and one for the diggers – which was excellent, because the other options we looked at just did vehicles,” says Simon. “GPS for machinery was a bit of an unknown, but Todd had already worked with other businesses like this so he was comfortable providing a solution for the diggers.”

With one device on one Bobcat, and one on a ute, Digger Collective were able to get a feel for the system and for the service provided by Fleetpin. Since then, Digger Collective has continued to build on the GPS system, with 7 devices now on the diggers, and 7 on the utes.

“It’s really had a positive impact on our business efficiencies,” Simon explains. “Clients might query on hours, and we’ve got the data available as proof. We can see how long equipment’s been on a site.”

Simon goes on to describe how the Fleetpin solution has helped in other areas as well. “We can manage speeding – we’ve reduced the number of speeding tickets quite significantly – and it’s been great for administration. The system generates alerts whenever WOFs and licenses are about to expire. So we can keep track of all that, and we’re not being hit with fines because vehicles are out of date.”

Simon also notes that not only can they make sure their invoices are accurate, using the Fleetpin data as proof, but the speed they can generate the invoices has increased as well. “All the information you need is in the Fleetpin system, you don’t have to go back and forth with the guys to get the details you need,” he explains.

Staff management has also improved, with Simon and his managers able to see at a glance where all their people are at any given time. “Sometimes when the guys are on the diggers you can’t get hold of them straight away, but you can see where they are,” he says. “And security’s been improved too – we haven’t had anything stolen since we started using the Fleetpin devices.”

All of this has combined to create yet another saving for Digger Collective – their insurance policies have become cheaper since bringing Fleetpin on board. “When it comes to improving efficiencies, Fleetpin has been massive for us,” says Simon.

Digger Collective has also been impressed with the level of service they’ve received. “The service has been amazing. When it comes to our suppliers – and there are over 50 of them – Fleetpin’s in the top 10,” Simon says. “From small things like returning a call on a Sunday, to the demonstrations they gave us, to the way they handle any issues that crop up, they’re awesome. And they maintain that consistent level of service.”

If you’d like to improve efficiencies in your business, and you’re keen to find out how Fleetpin can help you meet those challenges, try a demo.