Fleetpin’s benefits for Bus and Coach

  • Instantly see where all your bus and coach vehicles are and monitor school bus / charter runs
  • Keep buses road safe and legal with CoF, registration, RUC, and service reminders
  • Manage health and safety: overspeed, impact, harsh braking and cornering
  • Improve efficiency with detailed idle and activity reports
  • Improve driver behaviour with overspeed alerts and reports
  • Detailed reports for accurate client billing
  • MoE approved system
  • Report on off-road mileage then automatically generate and submit road user charge applications to receive a refund
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The Bells & Whistles

To maintain health and safety measures and meet MoE requirements, use Fleetpin’s Harsh Driving report and Overspeed report and alert. Buses are often carrying precious cargo; passengers! Which is why it is so important that drivers travel with care, which is easy to monitor with Fleetpin. It is also important that your bus and coaches are kept up-to-date with services, CoF, and so forth – this is made simple with Fleetpin’s Compliance Reminders.

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