
Fruitometry is a business that specialises in the use of new technology to revolutionise the horticulture industry. Being the world’s first commercial Digital Crop Estimation service for Kiwifruit, Fruitometry aims to replace the long-standing and manual sampling processes with more efficient and advanced methods. An example of this is the AI powered machine vision and powerful GPU computers they have  mounted onto their quad bikes and ATVs. Such technology enables Fruitometry to scan orchards and produce density maps and reports with accurate estimations of crop density and orchard characteristics. The results from these scans can help growers to make confident decisions on how to improve their orchards performance.

Let’s jump back to quad bikes and ATVs, because that’s where Fleeptin comes in.

In the spirit of utilising technology, Fruitometry decided to implement Fleetpin’s fleet tracking system for the purpose of health and safety. Fruitometry required a system that helped them to know where their field operators were at any time, and receive SOS notifications from the operators in the event  of an emergency. Using Fleetpin, Fruitometry now has full visibility of the locations of their Field Units and Transporters. They are also utilising Compliance Reminders, Overspeed Alerts and Utilisation reporting to manage their fleet, as well as Safetrax, Fleetpin’s roll over safety system.

Previously, Fruitometry managed all vehicle compliance on another platform, but have since moved everything over to Fleetpin and are finding the Compliance report very useful. The Utilisation reporting has also been useful in comparing productivity to previous months, while the Overspeed Alerts ensure that operators are not exceeding the speed limits set in place for health & safety.

Rose-Anna, Fruitometry’s General Manager of Operations, shares that the wider teams have also appreciated the use of Fleetpin; “the team said that they love Fleetpin… they don’t feel like it’s ‘Big Brother’, they actually are just so pleased that we are investing in their safety and it doesn’t require any extra work from them”.

Overall, Fruitometry’s implementation of fleet tracking demonstrates their commitment to ensuring the safety of their field operators while also taking advantage of the technology that is readily available.

We  feel that our values align with Fruitometry, in recognising the importance and value of growing technological innovations and providing knowledge that empowers others, in our case, our customers, and in Fruitometry’s case, the growers who want to efficiently manage their orchards.