It's been an interesting year, with us among many businesses tackling a pressed economy and a changing government. Overall, we've had an exciting year, and we're looking forward to what 2024 will bring.
Fleetpin News
In a world where technology is constantly evolving, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of shiny new features and cutting-edge innovations. While these advancements are undeniably important, what often goes unnoticed is the crucial work happening behind the scenes to ensure the entire system runs smoothly.
Useful Resources, Fleetpin News
Road Safety Week is from the 15th to 21st of May, acting as an excellent reminder to implement processes to keep your drivers and others on the road safe.
What cellular network and generation do the devices operate on?
2022 is nearly done and dusted! After a whirlwind of a year, we are proud of the strides Fleetpin GPS Tracking has made this year, all thanks to our great team of people and customers whose success is what keeps us moving forward.
While we’re hyped up and counting down the weeks and days until the next show ‘since lockdown’ to kick off, we had no hesitations in showing our support and participating in the never-done-before Mystery Creek Fieldays ‘Online’.
Fleetpin News, Trade & Construction, Machinery & Hire
A Fleetpin customer recently had a small excavator on a trailer stolen from their yard over the weekend; arriving on a Monday morning to find that the depot had been broken into, and thieves have helped themselves to an excavator and trailer.
We’re excited to announce that, from early next year, we're adding GPS tracking devices to our range that support 4G coverage across Spark, Vodafone and 2Degrees.
HazardCo have now teamed up with us to offer their customers the opportunity to enhance their own health and safety practices.